While we were visiting his cousins in Texas this summer, Toe became enamored of his girl cousins' decorated toenails (red, white, and blue for Fourth of July). He asked my sister to paint his toenails and she readily obliged, even adding stars to his big toes.
We returned home (on the plane he announced to random people "I have painted toenails") and after about a week, I removed the polish to cut his toenails (do all kids' nails grow fast, because it seems I am ALWAYS cutting his?!). After a few days and requests from Toe, my mother painted his toenails again. And when I was ready to paint my toenails the next time, I pulled out the colors I own and let him choose. He went with the apple green.
I have no problems painting Toe's toes. I have no problem with the fact that he announces "I have painted toenails" to elderly ladies in the grocery store. On the contrary, I am fascinated by his obsession. The kid loves having painted toenails. He now removes his socks at any possible moment to admire the color on his nether-digits. He looks at them lovingly and tells me he loves his green toenails. Throughout the day, I get toenail commentary. "Mom, did you know I have green toes?" "My toes are beauty-ful."
I guess the part that fascinates me has nothing to do with the toenails at all, but how he is able to so thoroughly enjoy such a small thing in his life. Green toes are a small pleasure. So are dandelions, freshly picked, in his hand as he goes about his day. Or a single jelly belly, sucked for fifteen minutes. Or an airplane flying overhead. He notices them all. He feels the joy of it with his whole body. He talks about his joy through the day.
If I were really paying attention, I might notice something here....
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