Friday, December 19, 2014

Hospital Day 3

 We discovered, after much conversation, that Toe does not like having people see him when he is connected to the IV drip. He doesn't seem to mind if people are here, but he doesn't want me taking photos. He also does not like to show people his PICC line, so we are trying to respect that. He doesn't seem to mind photos the rest of the time. As you can see, he was able to bring blankets from home. We have put up some Christmas tree lights and ornaments in the room and it feels pretty cheerful.

Toe is experiencing some discomfort in his legs. After discussing it with the doctors, we decided it was likely growing pains combined with lack of exercise for a few days. We were able to take some walks today around the hospital and across the sky bridge and that seems to help- we have also added Tylenol because without it, he gets pretty antsy (kind of thrashes around, can't sit or lie still).

Four breathing treatments, three IV treatments, meals, vitals... lots of visits from various professionals to take care of our boy.  Toe also had the opportunity to play board games with a volunteer here. He chose chess. They had a great time and ended up abandoning the game before the end in lieu of some imaginative play.
Playing chess with a volunteer during breathing treatment
 The days seem long and Toe is usually pretty tired by about 3pm. Today we got him settled into bed with a movie. He didn't nap, but at least we had some quiet time and that allowed him to revive a little for the evening. We had visits from friends providing emotional support and willing to play creatively modified versions of Go Fish, to do imaginative play, and just generally spend time with our family. Visitors have also been bringing us amazing food - we have eaten so well here! Toe's food is also good and he has a huge variety of choices. He is thrilled that he gets to order "room service" regularly and has me read the menu in its entirety each meal. I don't think he has had the same meal twice.

Playing cards with Mom during breathing treatment
 The main medical change today was the addition of lactobacillus - a probiotic that will help restore some of the good bacteria in his gut. They are encouraging Toe to be proactive in his treatment - allowing him to scan the barcode on his arm as they record medicines and treatments, allowing him to use the spacer to give himself inhaled steroids, letting him administer is own meds in oral syringes (see below).
An oral syringe of Tylenol - empty!
Toe has been in a pretty great mood most of the day (the moods sour when he is in discomfort - happens to us all) and chipper.


  1. Dearest dear ones. I carry you with me in my heart - as always, but more bigger. I want to see you, but a) don't want to put pressure on Toe or use up time & energy he could spend with people he knows and b) am oh-so-busy helping out with Alex's mother who is ill. Let me know what I can do, how I can help and how I might see you without disturbing the patterns or being one guest too many in a day. I love you entirely. "Grandma" Victoria

  2. So glad he let you take a few pictures. It's great to see you little mister! Praying that he gets some good times whilst up on the hill and feels much much better! Our doggie Sweet Pea had hives today so she had to go to the doggie hospital. She was so much happier when she got back home....2 shots! And she only weighs 7 lbs! Buonasera, Sue & Bob Bastiani
