Sunday, October 27, 2019

Hospital Stay: Day 12

 Toe says, "I know, I look amazing. You look kind of dorky though."

Ok, the skinny on last night's drone adventure (J, Toe, and Uncle Tylor) is that Toe and Uncle Ty had a little (actual running) race up and down the sky bridge and then practiced technical landing maneuvers before racing their drones. The police *may* have stopped by to see what they were doing and make sure that the drones did not have cameras attached. There is nothing quite like getting a message from your husband that says "(Had a visit from a police officer last night :))." 

In other news, Aunt AL stopped by today for a visit. She brought a ukulele and Toe had a quick chance to play. Toe also had another FaceTime visit with his counselor. He mostly was ok, but again expressed how much he misses his friends.

After yesterday's adventures with the Grilches and Uncle Tylor, Toe was pretty beat today. He spent most of the day in bed playing video games. We figured it was a Sunday, we had no place to be, we'd try it for a day. Tomorrow he has school again and PFTs to see if his lung function has improved.

Toe's arm has really improved over the past 24 hours. They have kept him alternating on Tylenol and Ibuprofen and he was actually able to straighten it out today - first time since they put in the PICC. His cough is down to a little bark at the end of respiratory therapy and overall he seems better. I'm not sure he's at 100%, but he is much, much better.

 Random note: I just wanted to share this cool facet of the hospital. On our floor, the windows are etched. When the light hits them just right, it looks like decorations on the wall below. You can kind of see it in the photos below. It's some thing we look for every time we walk down that hallway. It's something small, but we really enjoy it.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, thank you again! The little details are vital, and the fleeting quality of them. I rather like the photo with your shadows, too.
